Alpine Wildflowers of Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Park

by Jerry DeSanto
Copyright, 1989
pink and yellow wildflowers

This book was published by its author, former Glacier National Park ranger Jerry DeSanto, in 1989. DeSanto writes, "My intention is to record personal observations together with information from the listed sources to present a complete and accurate picture of the flowering alpine plants of Glacier, Waterton and the surrounding area."   The book covers history and dispersal of alpine flora, ecology of alpines plants, distribution of alpine flora, and flower identification with color photos of flowering plants found in both Glacier and Waterton Parks.

white wildflowers on the side of a mountain
The digitization of Alpine Wildflowers was funded by the Clark Fork Chapter and Flathead Chapter of the Montana Native Plant Society.
An original copy of Alpine Wildflowers can be viewed in Archives & Special Collections on the 4th floor of the Mansfield Library.

View Alpine WIldflowers.