Gifts and donations of books and media

The Mansfield Library is not currently accepting unsolicited books or media. Adding a gift book or media item to the library collection expends considerable staff time and resources for storing, reviewing, cataloging, processing, and shelving.

Librarians select materials, based on the library’s Collection Development Policy, that support the current teaching, learning, and research needs of students, faculty, and staff at the University of Montana. Materials that are generally not added include: textbooks, magazines, journals, older works except in select subject areas, duplicates, books that are marked in or that have damaged bindings or are in poor condition, article reprints, outdated or inaccessible media, and works that are outside defined collecting areas.

Paperback books can be recycled with regular paper recycling procedures; hardback books can be disbound and then the paper can be recycled. Donors who wish to find new users for their books are directed to BetterWorldBooks.

Interested in making a monetary donation to the library?

Thank you for considering a gift to the Mansfield Library. Our collections continue to be enriched and supported through generous gifts of funds received over the years.

Donate to the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library here.

Or contact library administration at